1000gsm EcoWool for extra durability and longevity.
Click here to view our 600gsm EcoWool mulch mats.
100% natural EcoWool Mulch Matting
is manufactured from the Dags of NZ sheep and this Dag & waste wool is recommended for small and large scale planting projects where soil conservation and weed suppression are required. EcoWool allows water penetration and retains moisture in soil. Boosts root growth and maintains higher soil temperature in winter. Stabilises soil and reduces erosion - ideal for sloping sites.
Important – Before installing mulch matting or weed matting thorough eradication of weeds from the area to be covered is strongly recommended.
Made in New Zealand
Prices listed below are per mat. 450mm square = 450x450mm
Please note the following:
360mm mats and the 450mms have a diagonal slit. This design changed is based on feedback from our valued customer who said they needed to use 5 pins per mat. This improved design ensures you only need to use 4 pins per mat.
Handy Tip: Use 4 weedmat pins to secure the mats, check out our pins below
EcoWool Benefits
- EcoWool™ reduces planting stress - EcoWool stays damp for hours and allows effective penetration of water and fertilizer and circulation of air. Also reduces evaporation and keeps soil temperature up in cold conditions.
- EcoWool™ feeds your plants - EcoWool contains the following nutrients: nitrogen, sulphur, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients are naturally released into the soil over time.
- EcoWool™ helps eliminate herbicide requirements - EcoWool is designed to block out a majority of sunlight thereby helping to suppress unwanted competing vegetation regrowth around the plant. No need for ongoing hazardous use of chemical herbicide sprays. Please note windblown seed can sometimes settle in the surface of the matting. Sprouting seeds may need to be removed as they occur.
- EcoWool™ is easy on the eye - Visual pollution is today a greater consideration on revegetation projects than ever before. EcoWool merges unobtrusively with the natural landscape, however it can slowly bleach in direct sunlight over time.
- EcoWool™ lasts the distance - EcoWool is designed to gradually biodegrade over a short-term period (may reduce in wet conditions), giving plants ample time to get established free from competing weeds.
- EcoWool™ is environmentally friendly - EcoWool is manufactured from cleaned waste wool and is natural and fully biodegradeable.
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