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Hanley Farm, Jack's Points
FiberGuard Plant Guards
Fiberguards - Hanley Farm Jacks Point Blog 3 Fiberguards - Hanley Farm Jacks Point Blog 2
The use of the biodegradable FiberGuard Plant Guards at this new development site at Hanley Farm will ensure that the natives will flourish and be protected against pests, wind and the cold with the FiberGuards creating their own microclimate.  Fiberguards - Hanley Farm Jacks Point Blog 1
Havelock North FlexMSE Vegetated Retaining Wall
Reynolds Road, Blog 2 Reynolds Road, Blog 3
Reynolds Road, Blog 1
Hannah's Bay Wetland, Rotorua
FlexMSE Vegetated Retaining Wall

We are proud to be part of the vision to join the three wetlands to Lake Rotorua. The FlexMSE has provided stability as well contributing to thecritical role it plays in being a habitat for native vegetation and birdlife as well as contributing to improved water quality of Lake Rotorua and connecting streams.
FlexMSE - Hannah's Bay Reserve Blog 1
Read more here: https://www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/our-council/news/news?item=id:2mzhknruw17q9sejspxf FlexMSE - Hannah's Bay Reserve Blog 2 FlexMSE - Hannah's Bay Reserve Blog 3
Hemplemann Drive Blog 1 Hempleman Drive, Akaroa FlexMSE Vegetated Retaining Wall
The undulating FlexMSE wall will soon merge with nature once the natives flourish and will provide a stunning backdrop for this path overlooking the Akaroa Harbour in Canterbury. 
Whale Trail, Connecting Communities in Picton & Kaikoura TriGuard Plantgurads
The use of our re-usable Triguard's along the Whale Trail in Tasman is an exciting development. These plant guards will protect the natives from traffic, pests & climatic conditions and ensure that the walkers and bikers that enjoy this route can be surrounded by nature.  The guards will be recycled through the 'Plant Guard to Post' scheme after their role is achieved.

Read more here: https://www.thewhaletrail.nz/
TriGuards - Whale Trail Blog 1
TriGuards - Whale Trail Blog 2