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In the world of landscaping, horticulture, and ecological restoration, finding sustainable and effective solutions is paramount. One such innovative solution is EcoWool, a natural weed matting blanket crafted from 100% New Zealand wool fibres. Developed by www.advancelandscape.co.nz, EcoWool offers a versatile and environmentally friendly approach to weed suppression and erosion control, helping projects thrive during their critical establishment phase.
EcoWool: The Sustainable Choice EcoWool is a locally manufactured product, proudly hailing from New Zealand. Its strength, density, and durability stem from its 100% New Zealand wool composition. This natural material ensures that it is not only effective but also an ethical option for various landscaping, revegetation, and horticulture projects. With an emphasis on sustainability, EcoWool not only aids your project but also respects the environment it's intended to enhance.
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Specifications: The EcoWool weed matting blanket comes in a roll measuring 2 metres in width by 30 meters in length, with a weight of 600 gsm. Its dimensions are adaptable to suit larger scale projects, ranging from 1 metre to 6 meters in width. This adaptability makes EcoWool a versatile choice for various project sizes.
Installation Guidelines
  1. Preparation: Before laying the EcoWool matting, ensure the area is meticulously cleared of weeds and debris. This step is crucial to maintain optimal soil contact and the effectiveness of the matting. If herbicides are used for this purpose, allow a sufficient period of time, ideally a week or two, before proceeding with planting.

  2. Slope Installation: If installing the matting on a slope, it's essential to install it vertically down the slope. Ideally, this installation should be carried out by two people. Begin at the top of the slope and secure the edges by pinning them down, with a minimum pinning distance of 50 cm. This prevents wind from lifting the matting.

  3. Mitigating Surface Water: In cases where surface water from above the slope is a concern, the edges of the matting can be buried in a shallow trench and backfilled. This measure minimises the risk of undermining due to water flow.

  4. Securing the Matting: As you unroll the matting down the slope, hand walk it to prevent stretching or twisting. Insert pins every 50 cm along the edges and every one meter in the center to ensure secure attachment.

  5. Trimming and Overlaps: Once the bottom of the slope is reached, cut the matting using a craft knife or commercial scissors. Maintain a minimum overlap of 10 cm between adjacent sections. Start laying the matting in the same direction as the prevailing wind to prevent wind lift.

  6. Planting and Spacings: Plant spacings will vary based on the specific project. Holes for planting can be pre-cut or made as you go. For larger-scale projects, a cordless angle grinder can efficiently cut holes. EcoWool aids in short-term weed control, allowing plants to thrive while striving for canopy closure.

  7. Pinning Options: For securing the matting, consider using biodegradable pins like Bio Pegs. For larger projects, the M100 staple gun can significantly reduce labor costs by up to 80%.

EcoWool from www.advancelandscape.co.nz offers a natural, sustainable, and effective solution for weed suppression and erosion control. Its locally manufactured New Zealand wool composition, along with its adaptability and eco-friendly features, make it an ideal choice for various landscaping, revegetation, and horticulture projects. With proper installation following the provided guidelines, EcoWool can help your project succeed while promoting a healthier environment. For technical data and further information, visit the website to explore the benefits of EcoWool in detail.
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