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Product Focus
Protecting Your Willow & Polar Poles with KBC Willow & Poplar Guards: A Sustainable Solution for Plant Establishment
Willow and poplar plants are not only prized for their aesthetic appeal but also for their environmental benefits. These fast-growing trees are excellent choices for soil stabilisation, erosion control, and habitat restoration. However, their rapid growth can make them vulnerable during their early stages of development. To ensure their successful establishment, the use of protective measures, such as tree guards, becomes essential. In this blog post, we'll explore why guards are crucial for the well-being of Willow and Poplar plants, with a specific focus on the KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves.
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Protection Against External Threats - Premium protection against stock and pest damage for up to 5 years.

Willow and poplar plants face numerous threats during their initial growth period. These threats include browsing by animals, such as rabbits, deer, and livestock, as well as damage caused by mechanical factors like mowing equipment. The KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves act as a physical barrier, shielding the young plants from these potential dangers. This protection is especially crucial in areas with high wildlife activity or where mowing is necessary for maintenance.
Enhanced Growth and Vigour - Proven to increase survival rates and reduce moisture loss.

The transparent and breathable design of the KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves allows sunlight to reach the plants while providing a controlled environment. This controlled environment facilitates optimal conditions for growth by creating a microclimate that protects the plants from harsh weather conditions, such as strong winds and extreme temperatures. As a result, the sleeves contribute to the development of healthier and more vigorous Willow and Poplar plants.
Weed Suppression - Premium protection against stock, weeds and pest damage for up to 5 years.

Weeds can compete with young trees for essential resources, hindering their growth and development. The KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves offer a weed-suppressing function by preventing unwanted plants from encroaching on the growing space. This feature not only ensures that the Willow and Poplar plants receive the nutrients and water they need but also reduces the competition for sunlight, promoting faster and more efficient growth.
Long-Term Cost Savings - Proven to increase survival rates and reduce moisture loss.

Investing in quality tree guards, such as the KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves, may seem like an additional expense initially. However, these guards can result in long-term cost savings by preventing potential damage to the plants. Without proper protection, the need for replacements due to wildlife browsing or mechanical damage can incur additional costs. The use of durable guards from the start helps establish a strong foundation for the trees, reducing the likelihood of setbacks and the associated expenses.
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In conclusion, guards play a pivotal role in ensuring the successful establishment and growth of Willow and Poplar plants. The KBC Willow & Poplar Sleeves, with their protective, breathable, and transparent design, offer a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by these fast-growing trees during their early stages. By investing in quality tree guards, individuals and organisations contribute not only to the longevity and health of the trees but also to the overall sustainability of the environment in which they are planted.
Future Post Diagram-885 Wondering about the fate of your used plastic guards?

Look no further—we've got the perfect solution! Advance Landscape Systems is thrilled to announce our collaboration with Future Post, a pioneering plastic recycling company dedicated to transforming waste plastic into durable and eco-friendly fence posts. Join us in embracing a greener future by contributing to this transformative initiative.
Product Focus
Unveiling FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting: A Sustainable Marvel from the Heart of New Zealand

Picture this: fields adorned with vibrant wildflowers, bees buzzing amidst the blossoms, and beneath it all, a hidden hero quietly at work—FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting. But wait, what's the story behind this seemingly ordinary matting? Let's dive in and discover the incredible journey of hemp, woven into the fabric of our landscapes, right here in the heart of New Zealand.

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  Background on Hemp
In the lush fields of the South Island, something extraordinary is happening. Hemp, a humble plant with extraordinary capabilities, is taking root. Grown in South Canterbury this wonder crop is not just any hemp—it's New Zealand hemp. Processed at Oceania's first hemp fibre processing facility, established in 2020, this homegrown treasure boasts unparalleled strength—about 20 times stronger than merino wool! But that's not all; it's a champion in the fight against climate change, locking up 1.6 times its weight in CO2e. Talk about a superhero in disguise!
  Embracing Sustainability, One Fibre at a Time
But here's where the magic truly unfolds. You see, we're not just growing hemp; we're nurturing a connection—a bond with the land, with nature, with our roots. We've made a conscious choice to grow hemp on the very same farms where we procure wool, creating a dual fibre supply chain that's as compact as it is sustainable. And the best part? Hemp's deep taproots not only allow it to access water from the depths of the earth but also preserve the precious topsoil, ensuring that our land remains fertile and vibrant for generations to come.
  FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting: A Tale of Transformation
Now, let's talk about FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting—the unsung hero of our story. Crafted from the resilient fibres of New Zealand hemp, this matting isn't just about suppressing weeds; it's about nurturing life, about weaving together a tapestry of sustainability and resilience. And the best part? It's 100% natural, free from microplastics, and fully compostable. No plastics, no chemicals—just pure, unadulterated goodness straight from the earth.
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A Journey Towards a Greener Future
But perhaps the most beautiful aspect of this journey is its circularity. You see, when the wildflower turf, enriched with hemp fibres, blooms in all its glory, it's not just a testament to our efforts—it's a celebration of nature's resilience, of its infinite capacity to heal and renew. And when the time comes to bid adieu to our beloved FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting, there's no need for farewells. It simply returns to the earth, where it belongs, leaving behind nothing but memories and a legacy of sustainability.

Let's remember that every strand of hemp, every inch of FuturFiber Hemp Weed Matting, is a testament to our commitment—to our planet, to a sustainable future in growing and landscaping.
Product Focus
TriGuard: The Ultimate Twin Wall Plant Guard System
With its ingenious design, ease of installation, and commitment to sustainability, the TriGuard is revolutionising plant protection.
Product Focus
TerraPave Porous Pavers: Sustainable Solutions for Modern Landscapes

In a world where sustainable and eco-friendly construction practices are gaining increasing importance, TerraPave porous pavers have emerged as a versatile and environmentally responsible solution for a range of applications. These innovative pavers are designed to address various challenges related to stormwater management, erosion control, and green urban design. In this blog, we will explore the concept of TerraPave porous pavers, their uses, and the numerous benefits they offer to both the environment and communities.

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What Are TerraPave Porous Pavers?

TerraPave porous pavers, often referred to as permeable pavers, are a type of paving material designed to allow rainwater to permeate through them into the ground beneath. Unlike traditional impermeable surfaces like asphalt or concrete, which lead to water runoff, porous pavers are characterised by their interconnected void spaces that enable water to infiltrate naturally.

The Uses of TerraPave Porous Pavers

Stormwater Management: One of the primary uses of TerraPave porous pavers is stormwater management. In urban and suburban areas, impermeable surfaces can cause stormwater runoff, which can lead to flooding, erosion, and pollution of water bodies. Porous pavers provide an effective solution by allowing rainwater to percolate into the ground, reducing the strain on stormwater drainage systems.

Erosion Control: TerraPave porous pavers are excellent for preventing soil erosion. They stabilize the soil, reducing the impact of heavy rains and the consequent loss of topsoil. This is particularly valuable in areas prone to erosion, such as slopes, riverbanks, and coastal regions.

Sustainable Landscaping: Incorporating TerraPave porous pavers into landscaping projects promotes sustainability and enhances green spaces. These pavers can be used for driveways, walkways, patios, and other hardscape features, allowing vegetation to thrive between them, contributing to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Parking Lots and Roads: TerraPave porous pavers are also suitable for parking lots and low-traffic roadways. By using these pavers in such applications, developers can reduce the need for extensive stormwater management systems while maintaining a durable and functional surface.

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Benefits of TerraPave Porous Pavers

Reduced Stormwater Runoff: The most significant advantage of TerraPave porous pavers is their ability to reduce stormwater runoff. This minimises the risk of flooding, improves water quality, and lessens the burden on municipal stormwater infrastructure.

Improved Water Quality: As rainwater infiltrates through the porous pavers, it undergoes natural filtration, which removes pollutants and sediments. This leads to enhanced water quality in nearby water bodies.

Mitigation of Heat Island Effect: Porous pavers have a cooler surface temperature compared to traditional asphalt or concrete. This helps mitigate the urban heat island effect, making them a valuable asset in urban planning.

Soil Stabilisation: TerraPave porous pavers effectively prevent soil erosion, making them a valuable tool for protecting natural landscapes and infrastructure from the damaging effects of rainwater.

Enhanced Aesthetics: The incorporation of vegetation between porous pavers can create visually appealing, eco-friendly landscapes that contribute to a greener urban environment.

TerraPave porous pavers are a sustainable and versatile solution for addressing various environmental and urban planning challenges. Their ability to manage stormwater, prevent erosion, and promote sustainability makes them a valuable addition to modern construction and landscaping projects. By embracing these innovative pavers, communities can play a vital role in reducing environmental impact and creating more sustainable, resilient, and visually appealing urban spaces.


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Product Focus
Restoring the Heart of Canterbury: Lake Ellesmere's Remarkable Conservation Journey
Spring is in the air, and with it comes new life and hope for Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora...
Product Focus
Embrace the Evergreen Beauty: Transforming Your Landscape with Premium Artificial Grass

A lush, green lawn can be the crown jewel of any landscape, but maintaining natural grass can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Thankfully, advancements in technology have brought forth an incredible alternative that allows you to enjoy the beauty of a perfectly manicured lawn without the hassle – Artificial Grass. In this blog, we will delve into the wonders of artificial grass and explore the premium product offered by Advance Landscape.

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Unveiling the Beauty of Premium Artificial Grass: Advance Landscape presents a range of top-tier artificial grass, designed to provide an exceptional experience for landscape enthusiasts. Available in three different grades/pile heights, this product offers versatility to cater to various design preferences and landscaping needs.

Delustered Look for Unmatched Realism: One notable feature that sets this premium artificial grass apart is its delustered appearance. Unlike cheaper alternatives that often exhibit an unnatural shine, this product boasts a non-shiny look that closely resembles real grass. This natural, realistic appearance adds a touch of authenticity to your landscape, making it the envy of the neighborhood.

Expert Installation for Optimal Results: While artificial grass installation may seem like a straightforward task, achieving the best results requires the touch of an experienced landscaper. Advance Landscape recommends entrusting the installation process to a professional with expertise in handling artificial turf. With their knowledge and skills, these professionals ensure that your lawn is flawlessly transformed, giving you the most out of your investment.

A Promise of Durability: One of the primary concerns with any long-term investment is its longevity. Understanding this, Advance Landscape offers peace of mind with a remarkable 12-year warranty on their premium artificial grass. This warranty is a testament to the product's quality and durability, assuring customers of its lasting performance even in demanding outdoor conditions.

Installation Process - Simplified and Effective: The installation process for this premium artificial grass is meticulously designed to provide an optimal foundation for your new lawn. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

Box the Section Out: The process starts by marking and sectioning off the area where the artificial grass will be installed. This step ensures a clean and precise layout.

Compacted Gravel Base: A compacted gravel base is then prepared, providing stability and support to the artificial grass while facilitating proper drainage.

Sand Layer: Next comes the layer of sand, meticulously spread over the gravel base. The sand aids in leveling the surface and enhancing the overall stability of the artificial grass.

Laying the Grass: The premium artificial grass is carefully laid over the sand layer, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking finish.

Weight Distribution: Instead of pinning or gluing the grass, a more innovative approach is employed. A 7kg bucket is placed over the grass for every square meter. This strategic weight distribution ensures the grass stays securely in place while allowing for easy maintenance and replacement if necessary.

Raking the Sand: Finally, the sand is raked in, hiding it from view. This step is crucial as it aids in proper drainage, safeguarding the integrity of the area.

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Versatility Meets Quality: The premium artificial grass from Advance Landscape is well-suited for various landscaping needs. Its blades boast a robust design, striking the perfect balance between thickness and finesse. This quality ensures that your lawn looks impeccable, resilient, and ready to withstand the tests of time and foot traffic.

With Advance Landscape's Premium Artificial Grass, you can embrace the allure of a perfectly manicured lawn without the extensive maintenance. Its natural appearance, durability, and innovative installation process make it an ideal choice for landscaping enthusiasts looking to elevate the aesthetics of their outdoor space. So, bid farewell to endless mowing and watering and welcome the evergreen beauty of artificial grass into your life!




