Our Blog

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Tarapuruhi Bushy Park Forest Sanctuary is a conservation project that's a result of community collaboration. This season, volunteers, conservation groups, and local organizations are working together to plant new trees following on from last season's successful planting. We're providing FiberGuard PlantGuards, a product that protects young trees from harsh weather, pests, and wildlife. These plant guards help the trees grow and thrive in challenging environments and being biodegradable, break down naturally once their job is done. 

We're restoring a special lowland native forest sanctuary, previously used for grazing. Now, we're planting new trees and focusing on creating a habitat for hihi, tīeke, and lizards. Since our predator fence keeps out most mammals (except mice, which we control), our efforts will have a big impact on the ecosystem. We're minimizing herbicide use to protect lizards and using plant protectors to support young plants until they grow above the tall summer grass. Mandy - Forest & Bird

Tarapuruhi Bushy Park Forest Sanctuary holds a special place in the hearts of conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike. As one of Forest & Bird's national project sites, it provides hope for native flora and fauna in New Zealand. Partnering with organisations like Bushy Park Trust and Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Forest & Bird works tirelessly to preserve and restore this precious ecosystem for future generations to enjoy.

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The success of projects like Tarapuruhi Bushy Park Forest Sanctuary is made possible through the generous support of funding bodies like Horizons Kanorau Koiora Taketake. Their investment in conservation efforts empowers communities to take action and make a tangible difference in protecting our natural heritage.

However, it's the dedication and hard work of volunteers that truly drive these initiatives forward. From preparing the soil and growing plants to planting and installing protectors, every step of the process is a testament to the power of collective action and shared stewardship.

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If you're inspired to be a part of this conservation journey, Tarapuruhi Bushy Park Forest Sanctuary welcomes visitors.  With free entry during daylight hours, it's the perfect opportunity to explore the beauty of nature and witness firsthand the hard work and dedication of many. 

To learn more about Tarapuruhi Bushy Park Forest Sanctuary and how you can get involved, visit bushypark.nz.

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